Particle-Related Issues in Furniture Manufacture:
Consumers expect any furniture bought to be free of 'pits and bumps' in the surface. They expect perfect surface finish, regardless of the product type and source. High-gloss furniture (mainly kitchens) must be almost mirror-quality in its' finish. The materials used in furniture are typically wood-based and as such diffucult to process without causing significant amounts of dust. To maximize material efficiency and deliver perfect product to consumers, manufacturers must overcome and eliminate issues caused by dust particles in their processes. The lay-up and lamination processes and materials need to be free of all unwanted contamination to avoid imperfectons in the final product. The presence of any loose debris or particles in the process during the manufacturing stages can lead to lower production-yields and potential costly scrapped product.
A Solution:
High-performance particle-removal rollers are used every day in furniture production to permanently remove and discard loose contamination and particles from materials during the manufacturing processes. Ranging from hand-held manual robust units to stand-alone or fully integratable equipment, our range of particle removal solutions will deliver improved yields and enhance product quality and performance.
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